[texpoint-users] Adding texpoint causes Powerpoint to crash

Andreas Glatz glatz at anl.gov
Mon Nov 6 17:17:38 PST 2006


 I do not know why the cited posting was "scrubbed" (I cite it below to
have it back in the users list).
If you could give us some more information about your OS&Office
configuration, I might give you more specific advice -
so here is the standard answer to this kind of problem:

1. if you use antivirus software, please read this:

2. make sure that the TexPoint version you downloaded matches your
Office version

3. if you use a *mac* then, check 2. and you can follow the recommendations:
a) delete:

~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Carbon Registration Database

This file can get corrupted after some time of usage. (it is re-created
on startup of Office and no setting are lost, see e.g.
http://www.entourage.mvps.org/troubleshoot/crd.html). I always have to
delete it when I switch between Office X and 2004 for TexPoint testing...

b) go to the ~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/ folder and remove the following files:

> Microsoft PowerPoint
> Microsoft PowerPoint.box
> Office Registration Cache 11
> OLE Registration Database 11
> PowerPoint Toolbars (11)
> VBA Preferences

and start PP. (keep them in some temporary place in case you get problems - I checked it and had no problems).
I cannot really tell you why some settings of PP get messed up after some time of usage...
If PP starts w/o problems you can delete the temp files.


"scrubbed" posting:

dvrecko at sfu.ca wrote:

> > As the title reads, whenever I try to add-in TeXpoint, Powerpoint is forced
> > to close. I have windows XP and the latest verion of texpoint.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Dean Vrecko

On 2006-11-06 17:58, Christopher R. Knittel wrote:
> The subject pretty much tells the story. When I click the add-in box,
> Powerpoint just crashes.
> I searched the archives and found:
> http://lists.texpoint.necula.org/htdig.cgi/users-texpoint.necula.org/2006-June/000058.html
> But, there is no text.
> Any suggestions? Chris

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